The Cockroach Smokes the Wacky Weed

read the lyrics to “La Cucaracha“:

La cucaracha, la cucaracha,
Ya no puede caminar;
Porque no tiene, porque le falta
Marijuana que fumar.

Ya murio la cucaracha,
Ya la llevan a enterrar,
Entre cuatro zopilotes
Y un raton de sacristan.

Con las barbas de Carranza,
Voy a hacer una toquilla,
Pa’ ponersela al sombrero
De su padre Pancho Villa.

Un panadero fue a misa,
No encontrando que rezar,
Le pidio a la Virgen pura,
Marijuana pa’ fumar.

Una cosa me da risa:
Pancho Villa sin camisa;
Ya se van los carrancistas
Porque vienen los villistas.

Para sarapes, Saltillo;
Chihuahua para soldados;
Para mujeres, Jalisco;
Para amar, toditos lados.

I wish I spoke Spanish. there is something sinister there, I just can’t figure out what it is. Marijuana? That’s illegal. I think. No, I don’t smoke. No, I never tried it. Well, maybe, I suppose I could have had a contact…would you cut it out already????? SHEESH.

0 thoughts on “The Cockroach Smokes the Wacky Weed

  1. you’re right about the la cucaracha lyrics- they go something like this: The cockroach, the cockroach, already can’t walk, because he doesn’t have, because he lacks, marijuana to smoke. The cockroach already died, already leaving to be buried, between four vultures and a sacrant rat… and on about drinking tequilla and giving the Virgen Mary weed- pretty wack.

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