yellin’ crickets and crows

there is rawness and an infantile quality to love among we children of africa in america. as if it’s a love not yet matured. as if we are unable to express our affection for one another with the purity required to reach, within our feelings for one another, the absolution true love brings. as if […]

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What Is Past

two, sitting. me in the chair now fairly coated in the earthly and earthy sacrament of our lasciviousness and sexual creativity. you in its gorgeous, timeworn, five-dollar, multi-slatted cousin, across the hardwood floors adored by nakachi. scribbling furiously in our respective symbolic notebooks (the 800 lb gorilla in redmond calls them, collectively, “notepad.”) fucking frantically […]

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The Circumference of Your Activity

12:37 AM. so I sat next to her in what we politely call a bed, through this day of snow and cynicism, these final moments of the month dedicated both in antiquity and by the current administration to the god of war, and felt easily more alone that I had ever felt since before we […]

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Garden Parkways

Her lids hung low on her eyes as her head vibrated gently on the windowsill of the bus gray steel bringing us home from other lives she shared with me grafting me onto her past family, friends, lost acquaintances reintroduced to her through me old moments and broken friendships I dovetail into now giving them […]

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We Don’t Need Matching Pajamas

She snored. I watched her take the night in slowly and let it out in a grunt, curled up tight against the outside. Her stomach empty this evening, unfulfilled by the books and words and learning she hungered for. She craved thought more than air, and in the company of most men, she damn near […]

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Falun Dafa is Good

the futility of my resistance to the current state of affairs was making itself aware to me more and more with each newborn minute that this bloody meeting dragged on. I continuously fail to see why I must need be included in every discussion that is even tangentially related to that damned website, and why […]

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Shit Occurs When I Shift My Words

Gather round, all my children, and I will share with you these too-oft taught lessons of life, love and loss. So have I learned…Keep your heart to yourself, guard it against all new would-be conquerors. Protected from the barbarians at the gates, you will come to no harm. Open these city walls to the invaders, […]

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